
WWE SmackDown results, live blog (June 14, 2024): Clash at the Castle go home – Selambe

WWE Friday Night SmackDown comes waltzing back into our lives tonight (June 14, 2024) with a taped show emanating from the OVO Hydro in Glasgow, Scotland, featuring all the build to the upcoming Clash at the Castle premium live event scheduled for tomorrow afternoon in the very same venue.

Advertised for tonight: Cody Rhodes and AJ Styles come together one final time before they duke it out in an “I Quit” match.

Also on the card: Michin vs. Nia Jax in a match that was set up last week, DIY invade “The Grayson Waller Effect,” Kevin Owens takes on Solo Sikoa, Naomi vs. Chelsea Green, and more!

Come right back here at 8 pm ET when the SmackDown live blog kicks off once the show starts on FOX. It will be below this line here. (Note: Links to illegal streams are prohibited. Pics and GIFs are allowed.)


Blackened out eyes, scratched on a wall, stoned out looks from the crowd, the king will not know. On the wall it was said, the flash of his cards was sprayed with red, but me? I’m just here to liveblog this here pro wrestling show for you, folks.

The show opens with a series of aerial pans across Glasgow and then to the usual “superstars making their way into the arena” footage.

Bayley makes her entrance, joined almost immediately by Naomi.

Chelsea Green cuts a promo during her entrance, talking about how both she and Piper Niven are winning this weekend and then they’re going to be WWE Women’s Champion together.

Chelsea Green vs. Naomi

Collar and elbow, struggling around, side headlock, Green shoots her off, shoulder block, Naomi off the ropes, slide under a kick, mule kick, sliding slap to the jaw! Off the ropes, galloping, big splits leg drop for two! Cutting a dive off with an elbow, Chelsea kickstarts the back of Naomi’s head and we go to break!

Back from commercial, both women staggered, trading elbows from their knees and to their feet, whip reversed, springboard roundhouse kick and Green is feeling the Glow! Suicide dive follows, Naomi in control, diving crossbody for two, Chelsea cuts her off, missile dropkick for a nearfall!

Bayley jawing with Piper, Green draws Naomi up, gets turned around…

Naomi wins by pinfall with a European Clutch.

Baron Corbin is chatting with Nick Aldis backstage when Legado del Fantasma roll up to laugh at him.

Corbin steps up but Aldis tells him he’ll take care of this and he tells LdF they were fined for their attack on Apollo Crews last week and next time a fine will be the least of their worries. Santos Escobar tells him not to be so sensitive and Apollo is fine, right? Nick tells him Crews is cleared and Escobar offers him a match to make up for last week.

And so we go to break.

A-Town Down Under are in the ring for the Grayson Waller Effect.

Waller tells Theory he couldn’t bring his plants with him because Scotland is too depressing and they get to the show.

#DIY make their entrance and throw half the set out of the ring. Tommaso Ciampa says they don’t play games and asks if Austin Theory is his secretary or what. Grayson says it’d cost too much to change the branding of the show but they’re a tag team, best mates, the champions, and he’d take a bullet for Austin.

Just like Theory sacrificed himself, he’d do the same. #DIY take issue with this view on things and they roll footage that shows Waller throwing Theory in the way of a dive. Grayson claims that footage was AI generated and he beat Gargano in that match anyway, whatever it takes. Ciampa wants a tag title match tonight, the crowd loves him for it, but of course Waller isn’t going to defend the titles in Glasgow.

Johnny affirms that they’re coing for the titles and is sick of hearing from Grayson and wants to talk to Austin. He says they’ve known each other for a long time and they go way back and he’s always believed in Theory and he’s proud of what he did on his own It kills him to see him now because Waller is using him and he doesn’t need him.

Grayson hauls off and slugs Gargano and a brawl breaks out that leaves the babyfaces standing tall!

We get a recap of last week’s main event.

Kevin Owens is chatting with Street Profits and B-FAB backstage and they talk about how much they hate the Bloodline and how they have each other’s backs.

And so we go to break.

Back from commercial, the camera goes down the hallway focusing first on A-Town Down Under and then on Bayley and Naomi as they run into Blair Davenport and trade barbs. There’s also some Uncle Howdy distortions in there.

Naomi and Bayley hug and Chelsea Green rolls up to remind them that it’s all over tomorrow, and Piper Niven blindsides both of them! Referee Jessika Carr rolls up to regulate.

Apollo Crews vs. Santos Escobar

Crews with a belly-to-belly suplex, Escobar bails to the floor for a breather but Apollo is right on him! Santos chasing after, chops in the corner, whip reversed, to the floor, fireman’s carry puts Crews face-first into the apron and Escobar is in control!

Baron Corbin fights down the aisle through the rest of Legado del Fantasma, thrwoing them over the barricades, Santos turns to get military press dropped by Crews, standing moonsault… NOPE!

Back from commercial, Escobar in control, up top, jockeying for position, Apollo knocks him down, dives, but Santos cuts him off with a knee! Trading punches in the middle of the ring, boot, off the ropes, pop-up Death Valley Driver… SANTOS KICKS OUT! Corbin gets into it with Garza and Carrillo again, Elektra Lopez knocks Apollo off the top…

Santos Escobar wins by pinfall with a schoolboy pin.

We see superstars from Andrade el Idolo to Cedric Alexander and Ashante “Thee” Adonis to Pretty Deadly at ringside.

“American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes makes his entrance and gets on the mic.

He asks Glasgow what they want to talk about and says a few weeks ago he actually thought AJ Styles was going to retire. When you stand in this ring you don’t want to be the guy that outstays his welcome and needs one more match, one more run, and AJ is starting to look like that guy.

He says AJ has been given the impossible task of making Cody quit—

Enter AJ Styles, flanked by the Good Brothers.

Styles says Cody is really worked up and it’s funny because it was easy to get him there, all he had to do was fake a retirement! Cody asks why he’s all the way up in the aisle and not facing him man-to-man. AJ obliges and comes to the ring and says they’re nothing alike. He reminds Cody and everyone else that it took 17 years for him to climb the ladder to WWE.

Whereas WWE welcomed Cody with open arms and couldn’t wait to make him a star, but when it got tough he quit WWE! He also quit New Japan Pro Wrestling! Doesn’t stop there, he quit Ring of Honor too! This man right here helped start up a company and quit that one too! He can’t handle the pressure, and when the going gets tough, Cody Rhodes gets going!

Rhodes says AJ is right. He’s made some big decisions in his career, yes he’s walked away and he’s never been afraid to walk away to chase something greater. He didn’t quit, he bet on himself, he gambled on himself, and he was right. If he’d quit he wouldn’t be standing here holding the most important title in the entire game as WWE Champion.

He’s idolized Styles his entire career and if anybody quit, he quit on himself. He had to pretend to be Mark Henry for a night to get a title match! He’s become a resentful coward and that’s a bitter pill but Cody will force it down his throat and make him quit. AJ talks about how naturally those words come to Cody but he can’t quit!

He’s only done when he says he’s done, and he knows it’s not gonna be easy. He saw Rhodes fight Seth Rollins in Hell in a Cell with a torn pectoral, he knows that, but he’s not Seth Rollins, he’s the Phenomenal AJ Styles, and he’ll do whatever it takes to win that title.

Street Profits are interviewed backstage but they get blindsided by Guerrillas of Destiny! Nick Aldis, Shane Helms, Shawn Daivari, and Jamie Noble break it up but Kevin Owens comes down the stairs to give chase and they have to hold him back as we go to break!

Back from commercial, Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark cut a promo about how they’re gonna win the tag titles.

“Michin” Mia Yim vs. Nia Jax

Tiffany Stratton is on commentary for this one.

Yim attacks her before the bell, shoulder blocks in the ring, Jax scoops her up, she slips out, off the ropes, front kick, arm wringer, Sole Food connects and Nia falls out of the ring! Back inside, Jax maneuvers her into position…

Nia Jax wins by pinfall with the Banzai Drop.

Kevin Owens is interviewed backstage.

He says the Street Profits won’t be able to have his back after all but it’s okay because he’s fought the Bloodline by himself before.

And so we go to break.

Back from commercial, we get a recap of this morning’s Clash at the Castle kickoff show.

Footage of Logan Paul washing out at the Tetris Championships follows.

We get footage from earlier today of Logan arriving at home and discovering LA Knight in his pool. LA leaves and talks about what a great time they’ve had and he’ll see him in Chicago and so on while Paul fumes.

Carmelo Hayes is in a skybox and demands a spotlight. He asks what the hell he just watched and accuses LA Knight of being willing to do anything for clout. He says he doesn’t chase opportunities, opportunities chase him, and that’s why he already has a chance at qualifying for Money in the Bank next week.

Nick Aldis catches up with the Bloodline backstage and tells Solo Sikoa that Guerrillas of Destiny are banned from ringside tonight under pain of suspension. Paul Heyman tells Solo if he loses this match he loses his leadership position. But Sikoa says if he loses this match, he’s going after Heyman.

And so we go to break.

Back from commercial, Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn are interviewed in the aisle.

They talk about how they’re gonna win the tag titles tomorrow.

Kevin Owens vs. Solo Sikoa

Owens backing Sikoa into the corner with punches, charging in for a cannonball but Solo bails to the floor! Kevin follows, punches against the barricade, big lariat, splash off the apron and to the floor and KO is fired up as we go to break!

Back from commercial, slugging it out, trading strikes in the middle of the ring, whip reversed, Owens throwing lariats, off the ropes and Kev takes him down! Tornado DDT, trading kicks, Owens cuts him down with superkicks, cannonball in teh corner connects! Senton atomico, cover for two!

Solo back body drops him on the apron, both men down on the floor and we go to break!

Back from commercial, up top and jockeying for position, Owens kncoks him down, frog splash… SO CLOSE! Spinning Solo… NOT ENOUGH! Another one… STILL NO! Kev with a pair of superkicks, climbing the turnbuckles and perching… KNEES UP ON THE SENTON ATOMICO THIS TIME!

Duck the Samoan Spike, Stunner… PAUL HEYMAN PUTS SIKOA’S FEET ON THE ROPES! Action to the floor, Samoan Spike, back inside, another one…

Solo Sikoa wins by pinfall with the Samoan Spike.

Post-match, Guerrillas of Destiny hit the ring and attack Owens! RANDY ORTON MAKES THE SAVE AND CLEANS HOUSE! RKO ON LOA AND SOLO MAKES HIS GETAWAY!

That’s the show, folks.

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